You walk into calculus and you try to put your game-face on. You choose your seat wisely, and you try to get your mind prepared for another endless journey into a confusing array of numbers
and phrases. You take out your notebook, and you tell yourself, I will NOT fall asleep today. You are DETERMINED to learn. You think, this is cant be as bad as yesterday's class. But, you have utterly lied to yourself. Not only is it as bad as last class, it's worse because she tells you NOT to take notes to get you FULL attention. "Flag on the play! -Marquise Jones" WHAT KIND OF MESS IS THAT??? It makes positively NO SENSE whatsoever. You lean in and ask your friend if she's on crack, because the logic to that is completely off the wall.
You want to be a good student, but around 15 minutes you just dont really have the motivation you did when you first walked in. You are constantly looking at the teacher...then at the clock...the teacher...the clocke...teacher...clock...teacher. IT FEELS LIKE FOREVER! You feel
that you have reached maximum capasity of boredness. You feel your eyes drooping into a coma, and its only been 30 minutes. With that very thought, you feel like you will lose your mind. You ask to leave for water, you come start to fidget again, so you decide one more time to swear she's speaking Japenese. Okay, you try one. last. time.
RING!!!!!!! You awake with slobber on your desk