My first question to myself is, "Why am I constantly seeing white girls and black guys, but not vise versa?" It never bugged me, but when I ask around, people just shrug their shoulders as if they've never thought about it - or otherwise, that they dont care. >insert very aggravated face<
Well, I care. Why are white women so content to date outside of their race, and not black women. Then, I thought about possible reasons. I once asked my friend Kristin why she dated a black guy - not offensively, just out of curiosity. She stared off in space for a while, and said, "I don't know. It's just different I guess. My dad would never actually feel comfortable with someone 'darker'." she looked a bit sheepish, "And he has great muscles."
Then, it hit me! I got a lot of information out of two things that she said in her explanation.
1. She said that her father wouldn't feel comfortable with the idea, and that he would rather have her date someone else. I believe that he had no intent on racism, but it still stings when people say stuff like that. Especially with no logical reason.
Now, I know you may say that it could be just her, how can I make a general statement like this? - The answer to that is that she is not the only one I've asked and I have heard that answer about 5 times already. A lot of white girls date black guys just to rebel their parents! I mean, wow. I'm not saying there isn't an attraction, but the reason is fueled by a disagreement from their parents.
2. She said that he has "great muscles". Hmm, wow. I really don't blame her for that, because there are lot of black men who have
Well...moving on.
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(Megan Goode is not a good example, but I had to post this picture) |
I really can't explain how angry it makes me feel to see women who act so ignorant and boisterous. I just want to go up and ask them why do they continue this behavior? It doesn't make them look intelligent at all. Do they understand that it makes all of us intelectual and respectable black girls have to work even harder not to be known as that loud black girl.
Believe it or not, it is in fact harder for us in important interviews for jobs and ivy league colleges. We have to prove ourselves that we can be an asset to society. It is a very frustrating thing because some people think that they have to treat me a little different than everyone else because I'm black.
(sigh) I'm off topic, but this is me. Personally, I'm like EFF SOCIETY. I don't care about how others think about me, and I would rather do things that are not the norm for the average teen. I love all different kind of guys. White, black, korean, hispanic, emo/punk, goth, sk8r, nerd, and chill. I just don't like the undertoned discrimination that goes on.
Hott emo guy :) |
FYI he is the cutest thing I have ever seen -->
This post was not aimed to judge or offend anyone, just to spill out the thoughts that were raping (sorry for the innappropriate use of words) my mind :) Please leave comments because I want to know eveyones perspective on this post.